EIA Standards and Rack Mounting

A 19-inch rack is a standardized frame or enclosure for mounting multiple equipment modules. Each module has a front panel that is 19 inches (482.6 mm) wide, including edges or ears that protrude on each side which allow the module to be fastened to the rack frame with screws. The usable width for equipment is 17.5" or 444.5mm

Novexcomm products adhere to the EIA Standards. Panel lengths are all 19” (482mm) and cut in U Units of 1.75” (44.4mm). The mounting holes in the panels will match with rack rails found it EIA standard enclosures. For more information on these racks, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19-inch_rack

All of our rack mounts are standard EIA 19" relay rack size. Radio rack panels are usually listed in U units, one U equals 1 ¾" height. You will see most of our racks are 2U, meaning they are 3 ½" high. The larger radios, like the Icom 756 and 746, are 4U or 7" high.

  • 2U = 3.5"
  • 3U = 5.25"
  • 4U = 7"
Since we make 2U, 3U and 4U products we can cover 90%+ of all radios made today, but if your radio is larger contact us to discuss how we can make it the way YOU need it.

NovexComm Newsletter


With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel, 50 Ways Song parody by Bob Burchett

Social-distancing via ham radio is the best medicine; just remember this little ditty:
The problem is all inside my head; yes, I know;
My wife this morning said to me
The answer's easy if you stop wondering Joe
I'd like to help you fellow hams....but then you know:
There must be fifty ways to beat the virus....Fifty ways to beat this virus....

Stay back in the shack, Jack
Don't need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me
Hop off the bus, Gus, there's fungus among USSS!
Don't hoard the TP Lee, to keep virus free.

You are already used to DX all alone
And you may have L-O-T-L everyone
So when you burn the midnight oil in there
DXCC is still elusive; work some more.

Don't visit your gran; Stan
Wipe down every toy Roy, just listen to me
Just use that Purell; Mel
Keep pounding the key Lee; heed the CDC. Keep virus free.

This Cycle 25 is not going so well
And FT8 may be the way
I'm trying PSK and other crazy codes
The Gray Line moves much faster than I can today

So work 40 meters Peter
Rag chew on FM; Tim
This isn't spring break Jake
Call CQ all day

Wear a mask on the bus Gus...don't need to discuss muuuuuch
Stop touching your face Grace
You need PPE...
Hide out in the shack, Mack. Stay home if you're sick, Dick
Have wipes in your purse, nurse and stay virus free.

Sneeze into your sleeve, Steve
Keep back 2 Meters, Jeeter
Just follow the rules, Jules to keep virus free.
Keep soap in your hand Fran and keep virus free!


Random Rack

3U Dual Radio -RPT


3U Dual Radio -RPT

Size: 3U

Make your own repeater combo! Any Dual Radio that will fit in a 3U with -RPT Download More Info

Shop for more products in our store by clicking here.

Rack Mount Your Radios

NovexComm provides low-cost, professional rack mounts for many popular radios, giving operators a source for off-the-shelf, low cost radio rack mount kits.

Why Rack Mount Radios?

Here are just a few reasons given by some of the operators we have heard from
  • Gives my radio room a professional look.
  • Saves space so I can buy more radios and have a place to keep them.
  • Makes it easier to access and use my equipment all in one place.
  • Keeps my gear protected from bumps and scratches.
  • If someone breaks into my house, then they will have a difficult time getting my radios.
  • I finally have all those ugly wires out of sight, looks great.
  • My wife likes the way my shack looks; she even shows her friends my room.


WA5RAY Testimonial:
Thanks Novexcomm for your great products. I was trying to rack mount my radio equipment into my console racks and was failing miserably. Luckily, I ran across your ad and have since successfully rack mounted several units very easily. The chassis design of your system for the larger rigs moves the weight of the actual radio equipment from the front panel and transfers it to the rack through your integrated chassis shelf. This greatly helps installing, removing and working on the gear. It also reduces the rattles that come from the stresses from the weight of the gear that is supported entirely from the single panel itself. Very COOL indeed! Thanks again for being there for a guy in need.

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